Walkers: Military
Sometimes some cities just want to own your city, and try to conquer you. You need to have some people to defend your city.

Wall Sentry
TowerThis man stands on your towers and patrols your walls. He will shoot arrows at any enemy or wolf near the tower.

common housingRabble are the lower class soldiers. They live in common housing and can't afford heavy armor or horses. They only have light, primitive armor and try to kill the enemy by throwing rocks at them. You can't send rabble abroad.

Mansion/ManorWhen a Greek elite house gets armor from an agora, some of the citizens become hoplites: heavy armored soldiers. They are strong in city defence, fighting with their spears, and can also be sent abroad.

EstateWhen a Greek elite house gets all the services and goods it needs, some occupants can afford to be horsemen, fast moving heavy armored soldiers. They can also be sent abroad.

Trireme WharfYour first-class warship: it will shoot arrows at enemy ships and will also try to kill enemy soldiers standing on the shore. Atlanteans build Fregates instead of triremes, which can launch deadly Atlantean fire if they get a delivery of orichalc.

Wall Sentry
Atlantean TowerThe Atlantean counterpart of the Greek sentry: she will patrol the walls and shoot arrows at any enemy. When a tower gets a delivery of orichalc, it is equipped with a deadly Atlantean Fire Launcher.

Atlantean common housingThe Atlantean rabble: female archers who live in common housing, and shoot arrows at invaders. Who said women can't fight? Archers can't be sent abroad on military assignments.

Atlantean Mansion/ManorSpearmen are the same as hoplites in Greece, except that they carry a spear instead of a sword. Spearmen will try their best to defend the city and can be sent abroad.

Atlantean EstatePeople in Estates always hope for the best horse/chariot combination, so that they can "go from zero to 40 in three minutes". They will defend the city and can also be sent abroad on military assignments.