Military Model Data

When a rival army invades, your rabble, hoplites and horsemen are there to defend your city, but several other people too can do something.


The strength of your rabble, hoplites and horsemen (or archers, spearmen and chariots in Atlantean adventures), depends on the difficulty level you're playing at: the higher the difficulty, the weaker your soldiers are, and the harder it is to beat invasions.

Walker HitpointsAttack valueArmor valueArmor vs missiles MAMRMissile Rate of FireSPD
Rabble/Archer 10090808080 54443 21--- 42111 610 7075808590 8
Hoplite/Spearman 180160140120110 1514121212 86666 66555 -- ----- 6
Horseman/Chariot 300260240200180 1816151515 76444 54444 -- ----- 12
Wall sentry 100100100100100 55555 ----- 44444 810 5050606575 5
Tower sentry 120120120120120 66666 ----- 55555 6013 100100100100100 -
Trireme 300300300300300 8080808080 54322 66666 158 5055606065 7
Wolf 1515202530 55566 ----- ----- -- ----- 7


Most of your citizens won't do a thing to defend your city, or to even defend themselves: they'll just die after a few seconds when they encounter an enemy soldier. Some citizens do have the privilege to be able to defend themselves, they are listed in this table.

Nobleman 25622-- -6
Shepherd 156---- -6
Goatherd 156---- -6
Hunter 5031-43 758
Boar 91---- -7
Rancher 154---- -6
Cattle 80-510-- -5
Lumberjack 104---- -6
Watchman 20611-- -6
Actor 1007---- -6
Priest 102--33 756
God 20010020--- -7
Monster 500501010-- -7
Hero 300501010-- -7


HP Hit Points: the more hitpoints a unit has, the longer it takes before it dies in battle.
ATT Attack Value: how much damage a unit will cause in melee combat.
ARM Armor Value: if this number is high, the unit won't get as much damage from a blow in melee as another unit with less armor value.
AvsM Armor versus Missiles: same as Armor Value, but for missile attacks instead of melee.
MA Missile Attack: how much damage a missile (arrow, rock) from that unit will cause.
MR Missile Range: maximum number of tiles from which an archer/rabble soldier can fire their 'missiles'
MRF Missile Rate of Fire: how often a unit fires an arrow/throws a rock; a lower number means more often.
SPD Speed; see the Walker Speeds page for details.
FRQ Frequency: how often a unit strikes in melee; a lower number means more often.