Walkers: Animals
Some animals are important to your city: some produce food and necessary goods, others help moving goods and people around, and some are just plain annoying.

DairyThe goat is herded by a goatherd from a dairy. Once a year, the goat is milked to make the tasty cheese. One dairy can support 8 goats. Goats can be taken as sacrifice for the gods, and wolves also love goats.

Carding ShedThe sheep is held for the fleece it gives. Once a year the sheep is shorn by a shepherd from the carding shed. One carding shed supports 8 sheep. Watch the wolves, they love sheep. Priests sometimes take sheep for sacrifice.

Corral (Poseidon only)Cattle is used for meat, when they are one year old, a slaughter from a ranch fetches them from the meadow and butchers them into meat. New calves are born at the corral. Bulls may be used as sacrifice for the gods.

predatorWolves are native animals in some lands, they won't eat your people, but they do love goat, sheep, deer and boar. Watch out if there's a wolf spawn point near the meadow and don't let sheep and goat wander near wolves. Shepherds and Goatherds will chase wolves when they come too close.

preySome provinces have the boar as native animal. They may be hunted to produce pork. But they aren't so easy to catch: the hunters from a hunting lodge risk their life to hunt them, and some will die in the hunt.

prey (Poseidon only)Deer are indiginous in some places. They too can be hunted. They are more easy to catch than boars, and more tasty too, according to the people who eat them.

pulls cartsThe strong oxen are used in Greece to pull heavy loads, such as wood, marble and sculptures, on carts all around the city. Atlanteans use elephants for the heavy work.

Horse RanchHorses are bred at the horse ranch, and can serve as battle horses: for horsemen in Greece and for charioteers in Atlantis. The faster horses are in Atlantis used for the hippodrome.